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Martial arts is nothing more than the ability to fight using your own body. This is a very broad area where some sports are very related, making related styles easy to learn, and others are completely dissimilar, often making them unusual forms of wrestling. Some are based on striking, others on grappling, throwing or melee weapon skills, so in theory there is something for everyone. Today we will look at BJJ, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is a sport that involves forcing an opponent to submit through pain, chokes, pressure and even throws. What is BJJ and how do you train? It seems simple, but how can we look at it more broadly? Is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu suitable for everyone, regardless of age and fitness level, and can everyone find their own path in this form of martial arts? BJJ is nothing more than a fight with one opponent, where the fight can be won by chokes, pains, squeezes or throws, and in a situation where the opponent is not subdued, the fight is won by the fighter with the most points, which is obtained based on receiving defensive positions, throws or passes. BJJ techniques. The range of finishing techniques in BJJ is huge, it would be difficult to list them, but art in combat is not the submission itself, but the ability to perform it, taking into account breaking through the entire enemy defense system. Every day new nuances appear in each technique, almost all possible details are taken into account and even the pros and cons of the body posture of the person performing the so-called surrender. This is interesting because everyone will be able to find techniques that suit them, thereby building their own unique style so that the battle is not a chaotic fight. A bjj fight begins with what is called a stand-up, where fighters can take him to the ground with takedowns or throws, but often the fighters themselves sit on the ground, which is why the fight is largely limited to the ground. Athletes often complement their “game” with judo or wrestling techniques in order to be able to dominate the stance, perform smooth takedowns and, above all, feel comfortable in this area. In modern Brazilian jiu-jitsu, punches are prohibited; of course, there are formulas that are allowed, but this is just a drop in the bucket and constitutes an exception. BJJ promotion levels and belts. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is divided into belts, i.e. white, blue, purple, brown and black, in later stages bundles are added and black belts are transformed into coral and red belts, of which there are few in the world at present. Depending on these promotion levels, you take part in different types of competitions. In addition to the division into belts, there is also a division into promotion levels, i.e. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced or PRO - these are determined based on training experience.

Опубликовано 10.07.2024

Наименование товара - BJJ
Серия - Новости
Категория -
Код по каталогу -
Цена по нашему прайс-листу - 0 руб.
Цена прописью - 00 копеек

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